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General Rules

  • General Rules (of unknown origin though published in 1976) - superseded by signed change 28th November 2011.

I. Name of Club

This Club shall be called the "Clyde Corinthian Yacht Club".

II. Headquarters

The Headquarters of the club shall be HUNTER'S QUAY.

III. Club Flags

The Club Flags shall be a Red Burgee, with a White St. George's Cross and Red Lion Rampant on Yellow Shield, and a Red Ensign.

IV. Object of Club

The object of the Club is to encourage Amateur Sailing; and in the confined races Yachts must be steered by Members, and the crews must consist entirely of bona fide Amateurs, except as provided for in Rule VI.


In open matches there shall be no restriction as to crews, but the yachts must be steered by Amateurs, who must also be members of a recognised Yacht Club.

V. Definition of an Amateur

An Amateur is one who has never received pay for sailing in a fore and aft vessel, officers of the Royal Navy and Naval Reserve excepted.

VI. Paid Hands

In races for International and R.Y.A. Classes the number of persons allowed on board shall be according to International and R.Y.A. Rules. In races sailed under Thames Measurement and Old Rating and Clyde Yacht Clubs' Association Rules, the number of paid hands allowed on board shall be as recommended from time to time by the Clyde Yacht Clubs' Association

VII. Subscriptions

The Entrance Fee shall be One Pound, and the Annual Subscription Two Pounds, which shall be payable on or before the first Tuesday in March, and, unless the Secretary shall receive from Members previous to said date intimation of their intention to withdraw from the Club, they shall be liable for that year's Subscription.

Absent Members

Members who are absent from the United Kingdom for the whole year, commencing on the second Tuesday in March, shall be exempt from their subscriptions for such year, provided they give notice of their absence to the Secretary.

Members elected after the 30th of September, and before the Club Meeting, shall be free from payment of the current year's Subscription.

Members in Arrears

Members whose subscriptions are one full year in arrear shall, after due notice sent to their last known address, be removed from the Roll of the Club and may be re-admitted to membership on such conditions as the Committee in their sole discretion may decide

VIII. Life Membership

Members may commute their Annual Subscriptions, and become Life Members, by a single payment (in addition to Entry Money and Subscription for the year) of £60.

Members who have paid 36 or more annual subscriptions may become Life Members without further payment.

The Secretaries of the Clyde Yacht Clubs and Sailing Clubs are ex-officio entitled to apply for Honorary Membership of the Club.

IX. Appropriation of Funds

The Club Funds, after making provision for the necessary yearly expenditure, shall be offered in prizes, to be sailed for by Sailing Yachts of this or any other recognised Yacht Club, or invested by the Committee as they may see fit. The Life Membership receipts (Under deduction of the subscription for the year in which they are paid) shall be funded and shall be lodged or invested in name of two of the Committee and the Secretary. The Auditor shall, in his report to the General Meeting, state what portion, in his opinion, of the Entrance Fees should be added to the Funded Fees, and what portion should be applied in making good any deficiency in the Revenue Account for the year, and it shall be in the power of the Meeting either to adopt such report or to direct that the whole Entrance Fees be added to the Funded Fees.

X. Disqualification of Members in Arrears

No Member shall take part in any proceedings of the Club, or enter his yacht, or compete for a prize, unless he shall have paid his Subscription for the current year, and any arrears of Subscriptions or Fines which may be due by him to the Club.

XI. Management

The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Committee, which shall consist of Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Rear-Commodore, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, and Nine Stewards. The Flag Officers, Stewards, and Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual Meeting.

Three of the Stewards shall retire annually, in rotation, and the vacancies shall be filled by ballot at the General Meeting; the retiring Stewards not to be eligible for re-election till they have been one year out of office.

Committee Meetings

The Committee shall meet from time to time, at such place and hour as may be convenient; four shall form a quorum. They shall have power to make regulations anent racing, in accordance with the General Rules of the Club, as they may deem expedient. Committee Meetings shall be called by circular.

In the event of any Member declining to act, or in the event of a death or resignation during the year, the Committee shall have power to fill up the vacancy so caused.

XII. General Meetings

A General Meeting of the Club shall be held each year, at such time and place as the Committee may appoint.

Extraordinary Meetings

The Secretary shall summons a Special Meeting on receiving directions to that effect from the Commodore, or in his absence from the Vice or Rear Commodore; or on a requisition signed by not less than Seven Members, such requisition to state the object of the proposed Meeting. Nine shall, at all General Meetings, form a quorum. The Senior Flag-Officer present shall preside; should no Flag-Officer be present, the Meeting shall appoint a Chairman. Notices shall be sent by the Secretary to each Member at least seven days before all General Meetings, stating time and place of such Meeting. The Chairman shall have a deliberative, as well as a casting vote.

XIII. Alteration of Rules

Any Member wishing to propose an alteration or an addition to the General Rules of the Club must give notice thereof, in writing, to the Secretary, not later than the 31st January in each year. A copy of the proposed alteration or addition shall be circulated to all the Members along with the notice calling the General Meeting (or a Special Meeting called under Rule XII), and the Member proposing the alteration or addition shall move his proposal at the General Meeting or Special Meeting, when a vote shall be taken, and the question decided by a majority.

XIV. Manner of Admission

Admission to the Club shall be by ballot of Committee one black ball in four to exclude. Applications for admission to be recommended by two Members, one of whom shall send in the name and address of the applicant, together with his own name and that of a seconder; and the proposers of new Members shall be liable for first year's fees. The Committee shall have power to appoint Honorary Members entitled to all the privileges of the Club except that of voting at Meetings.

XV. Expulsion of Members

The Committee shall have power to expel any Member by ballot at a Special Meeting; the majority shall at least be in the proportion of four to one to expel a Member. A Member expelled shall, ipso facto, forfeit all right to or claims upon the Club, or its property or funds. A Member expelled by Committee shall have the right of appeal to a General Meeting of the Club.

XVI. Duties of Secretary and Treasurer

The Treasurer shall keep a Cash Book containing a correct account of all money received and disbursed by him on account of the Club. The Secretary shall keep a book containing the minutes of the proceedings of the Club, to be produced at every Meeting. An Auditor shall be appointed at the General Meeting to examine into the state of the Club Funds, and report thereon to the next General Meeting.

XVII. Register of Yachts

Every yacht belonging to the Club shall be registered in a book kept for that purpose by the Secretary, such register to state the name, rig, and exact dimensions of each vessel, with owner's name and distinguishing flag. Owners, on their election as Members of the Club, shall furnish the Secretary with such particulars; and should any dispute arise regarding the rating of a Yacht, she shall be measured by the Club Measurer, whose decision shall be final as to her size, so long as she is unaltered: the person in error to pay any expense which may be incurred in connection with the measurement.

XVIII. Purchase, Sale or Hire of Yachts

Yachts belonging to Members, while on hire to non-members, shall not be considered as belonging to the Club, and shall not fly the Club flags, or be entitled to the privileges of the Club. Any Member selling his yacht, or a share thereof, or acquiring a new Yacht, is requested, within seven days after the transfer or purchase, to intimate the same to the Secretary.

XIX. Divided Ownership

When any Yacht is the property of more than one person, all the joint-owners must be Members of the Club before such yacht shall be entitled to the privileges of the Club. A yacht whilst let on hire shall not be allowed to compete under these Rules in the confined races unless such Yacht is owned by a Member or Members of the Club and let on hire to another Member or Members.

Last updated 16:30 on 3 December 2023

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